DECOR+LAMI: A Scalable Blockchain Protocol

Philippe Camacho
Sergio Demian Lerner
Since Satoshi Nakamoto’s breakthrough, Bitcoin has evolved from a single piece of open source software to a vibrant ecosystem composed by developers, entrepreneurs, investors and academics. Despite this outstanding success, several challenges have to be overcome. In particular the scalability of blockchain protocols is still an open problem, and recent attacks such as selfish mining are an evidence that new tools are needed in order to guarantee the security of the consensus between miners. In this work we introduce DECOR+LAMI. DECOR (DEterministic COnflict Resolution) is a framework which purpose is to provide the right incentives in order to align miners’ behavior to the expected properties of the protocol. On the other side, LAMI is a set of implementation optimizations for improving block propagation between miners that complements the DECOR protocol in order to improve scalability and security for blockchains.


Year 2016
Peer Reviewed done
Venue Scaling Bitcoin