Enable Bitcoin Transcation In Public Transport Ticketing System

Mi Li
Andi Xu
Nian Xue
Xin Huang
Jie Zhang
Qiankun Sheng
Current public transport system (e.g., subway and bus) faces the problem of inconvenient charging process. Bitcoin, a decentralized payment system is widely applied in many areas which can solve such problem. We propose an innovative public transport ticketing system, which contains automatic ticketing vending machine and supports the Bitcoin payment system. The main part of this system is hardware Bitcoin wallet, which stores pairs of private and public keys for transaction process. A demo ticketing vending system is set up, and experiment is carried out to verify the feasibility and performance of the system’s wallet generation process. Finally, we also analyze the experiment result and the hardware implementation performance better than the software library.


Year 2017
Peer Reviewed done
Venue Journal Of Design, Analysis And Tools For Intergrated Circuits And Systems